Nuclear and Conventional Maintenance, Logistics, Sustainment Studies & Analysis

Nuclear Weapons Council (NWC)/NWC Standing and Safety Committee (SSC) supportBusiness Case Analysis’ (BCA)Logistic Health Assessments (LHA)Lifecycle Sustainment Plans (LCSP)Nuclear Weapons Stockpile Memorandum (NWSM) developmentRequirements Planning Document (RPD) developmentUnderstands Air Force and Department of Energy (DOE) (National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA)) nuclear weapons maintenance supply chain managementVery familiar with DIAMONDS; multiple years’ experience using the system

  • We designed, developed, deployed, and administer Nuclear Munitions Command and Control (NMC2) in utilizing Microsoft SharePoint 2007 and 2010. Since initial fielding of NMC2 we have upgrade and maintained this large site collection (over 200 individual sites and 360 unique permission groups). This initiative standardized and integrated nuclear weapons-related data input, monitoring and reporting processes at the tactical, operational, and strategic levels in a way never attempted before
  • Previous member of the Long Range Standoff (LRSO) missile small group; participated in weekly meetings to facilitate efforts by the NWC to down-select a warhead family to support LRSO missile acquisition
  • Participated in multiple Enterprise Planning Working Group (EPWG) meetings to discuss excursions to the baseline NWC stockpile plan; evaluated the NNSA budget in reference to meeting the requirements set forth by NWC to sustain the US nuclear stockpile
  • Participated in discussions with Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (DASD) (NM) on the status of the JASONS transportation surety recommendations; authored recommended language for inclusion in DoD 4540.05, DoD Transportation of U.S. Nuclear Weapons, that codifies service agreement in regards to the JASONS recommendations
  • Led Air Force review of the 2014 NWSM and RPD; worked directly with Joint Staff (JS), USSTRATCOM, DTRA, OSD, and Navy NWC Action Officers (AO). Worked with the AF Nuclear Weapons Center (AFNWC) and AF Global Strike Command (AFGSC) AOs to develop logistics spares numbers to support development of the FY14 RPD/NWSM
  • Developed command policy for logistics management of $4B in classified components and test/support equipment for Minuteman III and Peacekeeper ICBM Reentry System/Reentry Vehicles
  • Command lead to the joint DoD/DOE ICBM Project Officers Group; liaison between the DOE, US Strategic Command, AF Major Commands, contractors, and four national nuclear laboratories
  • Led the largest nuclear weapons storage area in the country and eventual removal of all assets and deactivation of the 765-acre 82 facility complex
  • Maintenance lead for national exercise DILIGENT WARRIOR 02; coordinated with depot, operational bases, and Sandia National Labs to ensure all exercise hardware was ready in advance
  • Led Peacekeeper warhead storage plan development; worked with unit and DOE to build bed down plan in preparation for redeployment on Minuteman III ICBM; saved $5M in transportation costs
  • Led the deactivation of the Peacekeeper missile reentry systems as well as the deployment of the first Safety Enhanced Reentry Vehicle (SERV) on the Minuteman III weapon system
  • Directly interacted with DoD agencies (DTRA, Defense Logistics Agency, and the Office of the Deputy Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Nuclear Matters) while implementing Air Force NWRM management and nuclear weapons security policy
  • Air Force munitions lead during development of AFNWC Phase III Program Action Directive (PAD); made new CONUS nuclear weapons maintenance organizational construct more viable and sustainable
  • Led maintenance contingent for the Rehearsal of Concept drills to refine PAD guidance and shape nuclear forces reorganization
  • Developed nuclear weapons cradle-to-grave chain of custody procedure to restore responsibility, accountability and public trust